About Radek Lauryn

Společník a spolumajitel společnosti LAURYN s.r.o. zaměřené na vývoj software pro lázně, rehabilitace a OLÚ.

Treatment plan – in operation for 20 years

January 2019 marks the 20th anniversary of the date on which the first version of the L-BIS IS module Treatment plan for Windows went into live operation. Around seventy users in the Czech Republic and Slovakia [...]

January 18, 2019|

“Meeting of LBIS/4G users” seminar

A seminar was held in Pardubice on 23 November 2018 for users of LBIS/4G information systems. 63 people participated in the seminar. The following topics were presented: Management information system: A new module for displaying management [...]

November 29, 2018|